Creating a nourishing space to share and learn in a co-creative environment new tools and wisdom to enhance your Life and Wellbeing


More people are feeling the stress of our current changing reality and the growing need to develop the tools and adaptability needed to navigate through life's challenges.

Heart Wisdom offers Classes and Individual sessions  to initiate a reflective space for  relaxation and inner discovery as well as guidance to develop the awareness needed to make the positive changes  within ourselves and the larger world. To grow our experience of health,  happiness, sense of wellbeing and to develop our potential through growth, self development and contribution. 

Natalie's foundation as a Coach, Counselor Qigong/Meditation teacher naturally assists others to find their own inner alignment and harmony.   Moving and Still Qigong practices  improve not only the overall health and energy (qi) of the body but also the health of our heart and mind resulting in greater wellbeing, self realization and wisdom. This Qigong system is based on the nature and universal teachings of nature/dao.

Individual sessions based on REN XUE helps us find harmony within ourselves within our personal relationships, with society, and with nature. Fostering awareness of unhealthy thought patterns and building a greater connection to our True Nature and Potential. Creating a deeper sense of awareness, connection and meaning of one's life.

Life is a totality with all components needing to be worked on to be effective and clear problems at the root level.  The Ren Xue system takes a holistic approach to Life Cultivation .



Natalie offers classes, workshops, retreats and individual sessions in person and online.

She has been training with Yuan Tze and REN XUE and it’s connected disciplines Yuan Gong Qigong and Yuan Ming Medicine for around 18 years. 

“Having benefited immensely from these tools in my everyday life , it now feels a natural extension to want to share these gifts with others.”   



Do you want to understand, change and elevate your life? Experience greater health, happiness and wellbeing? Develop more freedom, Realization and wisdom?

Working on life is a continual process and the potential for health and growth is infinite. The key is to do this work in a positive and uplifted state, with joy and compassion.  Whether we want to clear problems on the level of health, life or relationships or find a new life direction we can do this by discovering and getting to know ourselves better. 

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"Yuan Gong brings the teachings of Ren Xue more alive, bringing a deeper connection between the practice, the theories, and daily life. The practices bring lightness and ease, allowing a letting go of the push and struggle,coming into flow. We experience more and more Joy and the ability to transform life, through acceptance, changing the way we see things and growing a deeper sense of Trust and Gratitude . This shift allows us to be open and seeing every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. A deep sense of Wellbeing Love and Respect for oneself and life continues to grow by following this path "